Tasty Pesto Crusted Roast Chicken recipe


Roast chicken is a timeless classic, and finding innovative ways to elevate its flavors can turn a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece. In this recipe, we explore the art of creating a Pesto Crusted Roast Chicken that is not only visually appealing but also bursts with a medley of delightful flavors. The combination of basil pesto, olive oil, and breadcrumbs forms a golden crust that locks in the chicken’s juiciness, making every bite a heavenly experience. Follow this detailed guide to create a dish that will impress even the most discerning palates.


1. 1 whole chicken (about 4 pounds)

2. Salt and pepper, to taste

3. 1/2 cup basil pesto

4. 3 tablespoons olive oil

5. 1/2 cup breadcrumbs


Preparing the Canvas

   - Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) to ensure a consistent cooking temperature.

   - Place the chicken on a clean, flat surface. Pat it dry with paper towels. Removing excess moisture is essential for achieving a crispy crust.

Seasoning the Foundation

   - Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper, both inside and out. This foundational seasoning is the key to enhancing the natural flavors of the chicken.

Crafting the Pesto Blend

   - In a small bowl, combine the basil pesto and olive oil. The pesto, with its vibrant green color and aromatic herbs, will infuse the chicken with a burst of Italian flavors. Mix until you achieve a smooth, consistent blend.

Applying the Pesto Crust

   - Carefully lift the chicken’s skin and gently spread the pesto mixture underneath. This technique allows the pesto to flavor the meat directly, ensuring every bite is rich and savory. Take your time to evenly distribute the pesto under the skin.

Crusting the Chicken

   - In a separate bowl, combine the breadcrumbs with a touch of olive oil. The oil helps the breadcrumbs achieve a golden brown color and a satisfying crunch. Press the breadcrumb mixture onto the pesto-coated skin, creating a crust that will crisp up beautifully during roasting.

The Roasting Masterpiece

   - Place the prepared chicken in a roasting pan. Roast it in the preheated oven for about 1 hour 30 minutes. Regularly baste the chicken with its natural juices to ensure it remains moist and succulent.

The Perfect Finish

   - To confirm the chicken is cooked to perfection, use a meat thermometer. Insert it into the thickest part of the chicken without touching the bone. The internal temperature should read 165°F (74°C), indicating that the chicken is fully cooked and safe to eat.

Allowing Time to Settle

   - Once the chicken has reached the desired temperature, remove it from the oven. Allow it to rest for 15 minutes. Resting is crucial as it allows the juices within the chicken to redistribute, ensuring a tender and juicy bite every time.

Presentation and Enjoyment

   - Carve the chicken with a sharp knife, revealing the succulent, flavorful meat beneath the golden, crispy crust. Arrange the slices on a serving platter, showcasing the masterpiece you’ve created.

   - Serve your Pesto Crusted Roast Chicken alongside your favorite side dishes. Whether it's roasted vegetables, creamy mashed potatoes, or a fresh garden salad, this dish is sure to be the star of your dining table.


The Pesto Crusted Roast Chicken is a culinary triumph, showcasing the harmonious blend of flavors and textures. From the tender, juicy meat to the crispy, herb-infused crust, every element of this dish is designed to delight the senses. With a little creativity and a handful of ingredients, you can transform a simple roast chicken into a gourmet experience that will leave a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to savor it. Embrace the art of cooking and treat yourself and your loved ones to this exquisite Pesto Crusted Roast Chicken masterpiece. 

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